Spring · Uncategorized

Spring as we see it.

Outside, the scent of Jasmine lingers around our doorway, emanating from the vine that creeps up and around the ironwork just in front of our house.  The orchid by the steps now sports three flowers.  All of our hibiscus bushes are in bloom.  Otherworldly dragonflies glide through the air as the sun casts its light on their iridescent bodies and paper-thin… Continue reading Spring as we see it.

Spring · Uncategorized

Breakfast indulgences and garden notes on a rainy Thursday afternoon

We are enjoying a gloriously rainy morning, complete with rolling clouds and claps of thunder.  Holed up in the house, I spent the morning feeding Piper hot pancakes, scrambled eggs (from beautiful local hens), strawberry slices and orange juice.  I’m in the mood for breakfast lately, and frequently indulging in long drawn out meals with… Continue reading Breakfast indulgences and garden notes on a rainy Thursday afternoon