
More firsts in the kitchen

Yesterday I cooked my first steak. I brought home a single rib eye from Publix with a bit of apprehension, because although I had a craving for the stuff I was most definitely entering new territory when it came to cooking it. Fortunately, my dad passed along a technique that my brother shared with him… Continue reading More firsts in the kitchen

Uncategorized · Winter

on morning walks, the comforts of Colcannon, lemongrass tea and lentil soup.

My daughter is still asleep and I’m sitting in the rocking chair in our room sneaking in a post before the morning begins.  Today, as yesterday, we will eat breakfast together before we bundle up and head out for the neighborhood park.  We will greet the dogs that bark and sniff us genially as we… Continue reading on morning walks, the comforts of Colcannon, lemongrass tea and lentil soup.

Uncategorized · Winter

On the Food Truck Rally, a quick and yummy breakfast, and some tips for your garden.

Last night, we ate crispy Brussels sprouts in a balsamic vinaigrette and rice noodles fried on a hot griddle and loaded up with lots of carrots, juicy slices of mushroom, cilantro, crushed peanuts and beansprouts all at Lakeland’s Food Truck Rally downtown (thanks, Off The Griddle!).  Crowds of folks and their families gathered in Munn… Continue reading On the Food Truck Rally, a quick and yummy breakfast, and some tips for your garden.

Autumn · Uncategorized

On green juice, cravings, bread, and lentil soup.

For the past several days my husband and I have been enjoying green juice for breakfast.  I have been following Daphne Oz’s recipe for “Glow Juice” from Relish.  Daphne calls for parsley, mint, kale, cucumber, apple, celery, and lemon.  The flavor of the drink changes slightly depending on the proportions of herbs you use and the juiciness of… Continue reading On green juice, cravings, bread, and lentil soup.

Autumn · Uncategorized

on a quest for coffee on a cold day, we find friends, Briefly.

Late this afternoon my daughter and I ventured out into the blustery cool on a quest to find the perfect hot cup of coffee to lift me out of near hibernation.  Allow me to indulge myself in a few side stories before I continue.  1.  I am friends with an elderly Italian woman who makes a delicious cup of… Continue reading on a quest for coffee on a cold day, we find friends, Briefly.